Enhancing WooCommerce Checkout with Additional Checkout Fields

From Experimental to Feature

WooCommerce 8.7 introduces an enhancement for developers: the ability to introduce additional fields to the Checkout block. This feature comes with an emphasis on developer-friendliness, making it easier than ever to customize the checkout experience for users. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the journey of how this feature evolved, highlighting the collaborative effort between our teams and community developers.

TL;DR: Smash the Tweets

@senadir breaks down our process and shouts out our contributing developers from the community.

We couldn’t do it without you, so we made a concerted effort to prioritize developer needs in this feature by leveraging community input and working in a feedback loop. Our goal here was to shy away from delving into React, PHP, Store API, and Gutenberg, and streamline the process into just five lines of code.

Community Engagement and Continued Development

The development process kicked off with a public discussion to gather feedback and ideas from the community. This open dialogue proved invaluable as developers shared insights, pain points, and suggestions, helping shape the feature’s design. We shared the roadblocks we were facing with the community and kept our internal dialogue to planning. We are leaning in to this feedback process for increased transparency and accountability for experimental feature development, so definitely continue to engage with us!

Obviously our development journey for adding additional fields to the Checkout Block doesn’t end here. There are still areas for improvement and enhancement, particularly as “Nice to Haves”. As we continue to focus on prioritizing developer needs, we rely on open and respectful dialogue and embracing transparency as we continue working on features that align with community needs. Reach out in the comments, GH Discussions and join our Community Slack for monthly office hours, our developer feedback and community updates.

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