Dev Chat #25 Notes

Another fine installment of Dev Chat is in the books! According to our scientific emoji response system, we had 26 dev chatters in attendance for the twenty-fifth edition. The discussion was great, and you are welcome to read the full backscroll of the dev chat here, or find some notes after the break.

Follow-Up Items

We got things kicked off with covering some old business items from the last dev chat:

When will the Trello board be updated?

A draft of the new roadmap trello board can be seen here.

WooCommerce Admin

After that we talked about WooCommerce Admin, which had been released to the .org Plugin repository the day before. During this part of the talk, I botched the name of the plugin calling it WooCommerce Analytics ( sorry again for that ).

The plugin is still very much BETA SOFTWARE so as listed in the readme, we strongly advise against running it on production sites right now until we do further testing on – which we are hoping to complete after 3.6.

If you do run the plugin on a test site, or discover any bugs, or have feedback, please do reach out to us via GitHub, or send me a message on slack ( @timmyc ).

WooCommerce 3.6

The next item on the agenda was WooCommerce 3.6. From the show of emoji hands, it appears that not many dev-chatters had tested 3.6 Beta yet. So here is a link to the RC1 post, so you can stop reading these notes, and go test the RC 🙂 – thanks!

All encouragement to test aside, we covered one item that had caused some issues in a few extensions we had tested during the beta – and that is the Woo REST API classes only being loaded on REST API requests. This is one of the many performance enhancements coming in 3.6, but if you have extension logic or any custom code that extends Woo REST classes, be sure to checkout this PR for more details.

But tl;dr;, only include your REST extensions via the rest_api_init hook. If you fail to do so, the WC REST classes will still be loaded, and a warning will be logged to let you know a change is needed. So not a breaking change, but you will be informed in the logs that you are doing_it_wrong.

Peter then gave a sneak peek at some of the Performance Enhancement charts. But Mike has since made a wonderful post on that very subject, which you all should read too.

The balance of the 3.6 Release Cycle is still on track for a targeted release on April 11. We will likely have an RC2 published this Thursday that has a few bug fixes found in the RC1.

RC1March 28
RC2April 4
ReleaseApril 11

Save The Date!

Thanks again to all whom attended. If you have any ideas on how to make dev chats more helpful, or if you have a question/topic you would like to discuss, please leave a note in the comments below.

The next dev chat is scheduled for, you guessed it, the last Thursday of April – 25 April 2019 at 18:00 UTC.

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