Storefront 2.2.6 release notes

Storefront 2.2.6 has been tagged for release and uploaded to

Here’s what’s changed pulled directly from the changelog:

* Fix - Price slider widget styling.
* Fix - Apply styles to `a.woocommerce-store-notice__dismiss-link` instead of all links in the store notice.
* Fix - Fix hidden content when there are no reviews.
* Fix - Fixed typo in the `Storefront_WooCommerce` class, `thumbnail_columns` method description. Kudos @cryptexvinci.
* Tweak - Added vcard markup to template.
* Tweak - Improved My Account Payment Methods styles.
* Tweak - Improved the Bookings calendar styles.
* Tweak - Removed jQuery dependency. Kudos @valdrinkoshi. 
* Tweak - Added "Navigation menus" step to Guided tour.
* Tweak - Guided tour in the Customizer is now shown to all sites.
* Dev - Removed non-standard outdated CSS. Kudos @ElectricFeet.
* Dev - Removed sticky cart. See this issue for more information.
* Dev - [WooCommerce 3.3] - Support for new columns & rows option in the customizer.
* Dev - [WooCommerce 3.3] - Declare image sizes.
* Dev - [WooCommerce 3.3] - Hide search button.
* Dev - `composer.json` file. Kudos @pmgarman.

Download the latest release of Storefront here or venture over to Dashboard → Updates to update your theme from WordPress.

As usual, if you spot any other issues, please log them in detail on Github.